
At Highland Primary, we recognize that each child has his or her own strengths and weaknesses. Along with a supportive staff, Highland Primary also has a variety of programs that aim at increasing strengths and helping instill a love of learning. We offer an accelerated reading program, special education, and computer literacy classes to name a few. Please contact us to find out more about what we can offer you and your child.

English Language Learners (ELL)
To meet the needs of our community, Highland Primary offers language and academic support through the ELL program. Classroom teachers use SEI techniques in the regular classroom. ELL students also receive extra support with English vocabulary, reading, writing, and grammar in the ELL classroom. The ELL teacher helps the students understand academic work as needed. Parents who speak Spanish are able to communicate with school staff with the help of bilingual personnel.
Once students are at grade level in reading, writing, listening comprehension, and speaking (with a grade of Proficient on the AZELLA test of academic English), they are monitored for two additional years to ensure their success.

Para brindar apoyo a todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad, la escuela Highland Primary ofrece apoyo académico a estudiantes del inglés (estudiantes que hablan más de un idioma) con el programa ELL. Los maestros en todas las clases usan estratégias específicas (SEI) para aumentar el vocabulario en inglés. Los estudiantes que necesitan ayuda extra con el inglés (según el examen AZELLA) también reciben ayuda en la clase de ELL con el vocabulario, la lectura, la expresión escrita y con asignaciones académicas si hace falta. Personal bilingue se comunica con los padres que hablan español para mantener buenas comunicaciones entre casa y escuela.
Cuando los estudiantes llegan al nivel académico apropiado en comprehension de lectura y expresión escrita y aprueban el examen AZELLA, (examen de inglés académico), mantenemos contacto y evaluamos su inglés con el AZELLA por dos años más para asegurar que su inglés y sus trabajos académicos están al nivel debido…para que continúen a tener éxito en la escuela.

Here at Highland Primary the Library/ Media Center is a great resource for our students. Each student has the opportunity to come each week to the Library during his/her scheduled class time. Students have the opportunity to hear and learn about a variety of literature as well as check out a library book. Our library is full of book catered to help our students attain their AR goals.
Our policy at Highland Primary is that parents and students should take responsibility for their library books. We allow grades 1-3 to check out one book at a time with the option of trading that book during anytime the library is not with a scheduled class. Kindergarten may also check out one book at a time starting in January (with a signed parent permission slip). We do not charge late fees, but any lost or damaged book will result in a library fine. Please take care of all library book fines by the end of the school year. The student must pay for lost books or damaged books before he/she can receive his/her end of the year information.

Special Education
Here at Highland Primary, we offer special education services for students who qualify in the following categories: autism, developmental delay, emotional disability, hearing impairment, mild intellectual disability, severe intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, quantitative giftedness, speech/language impairment, traumatic brain injury, and visual impairment.
A state certified special education teacher provides support and services, which vary from student to student. We provide some students special education services in a general education classroom, while others receive a “pull out” model where we take the student out of the general education room for specialized academic instruction. We also offer a blended program in which we provide services in a variety of creative ways. Parents are integral members of the IEP team and participate in decisions regarding the identification, placement, and services for their children.
If you have any concerns, please contact our district office for more information.

Title I Reading Program
The Title 1 Reading Program at Highland Primary School offers students the opportunity to receive small group instruction in reading and writing skills by a state endorsed reading specialist.
The ultimate goal of the Title 1 Reading Program is for each child to develop a self-improving, self-monitoring system for reading and writing.
Each student has a unique mode of learning: tactile, visual, auditory, or a combination of these. The Title 1 Reading Program incorporates each student's learning modalities.

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